Where is the CBIA Office?
To use this online, follow this link.
What Are the CBIA Office Hours?
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri 8:30-11:30 AM; Tue, Wed, Thurs & Fri 2-5 PM
for pickup of purchases. Please call so we can put your order together and we will let you know if anything is out of stock. Other times can be arranged by calling staff during Business Hours at (361) 992-8911.
Business Hours: 8:30-11:30 AM & 2:00-5:00 PM Mon thru Fri
Staff work from home during business hours except when the office is open and on holidays.
New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), and Christmas Day.
What Does CBIA Need From AA Groups?
- A representative (IGR or GSR) from each group to participate in CBIA governance.
- Donations to cover our expenses (For guidelines see AA Pamphlet F-3: Self Support: Where Money & Spirituality Mix)
- Keep CBIA informed of changes in information shown on the AA Meeting Schedule.
- Keep CBIA informed of group events which the group wants CBIA to promote.
What Can Individual AA Members Do To Help CBIA?
- Volunteer to answer the hotline overnight and on weekends. (Limited positions are available. Minimum 6 months sobriety is required).
- Volunteer to answer 12 Step Calls. (People are needed – especially women and people in outlying areas. Minimum 2 years sobriety is required. )
- Volunteer to be a member of the CBIA board of trustees (Minimum 2 year’s sobriety is required. No conflict of interest as board member or employee of a business treating alcoholism.)
- Check to see that your group is donating to CBIA in accordance with AA Guidelines (See AA Pamphlet F-3 Self Support Where Money & Spirituality Mix).
- Donations to cover our expenses (Some AA members make a Birthday contribution (Traditionally, $1 for each year of sobriety) each year. Some make monthly contributions (faithful fivers) or one-time contributions.)
- Donate online using our Seventh Tradition page.