(361) 992-8911 | Texas toll-free 1-866-672-7029 cbia@grandecom.net


AA Group Information Change Form

This form is linked to the AA.org site in order to always maintain the most current and accurate information available.

Please fill out two forms and turn in both to Intergroup

  • One form to change information on this site

  • One form for your appropriate to change information with GSO

AA New Group Form

This form is linked to the AA.org site in order to always maintain the most current and accurate information available. 

Please fill two forms out and turn in both to Intergroup

  • One form to change information on this site

  • One form for your appropriate to change information with GSO

Agenda Form

The Agenda for the quarterly Intergroup Representatives Meeting is set before the meeting begins.

Fill out the form and submit it to cbia@grandecom.net or drop it by the intergroup office 7 days before the Intergroup quarterly Meeting to get your item on the agenda.


Fill out the form and submit it to cbia@grandecom.net or drop it by the intergroup office.